Small rentals have a range of perks, but it's important to properly highlight them to get maximum exposure for smaller-sized rentals.
Compact apartments are budget-friendly spaces that require less cleaning, less maintenance, and lower rent. For a lot of prospective tenants, those are all huge perks! But to make small rentals look even more appealing for your renters, consider decorating ideas that will help to increase the visual spaciousness of your small rentals.
Mirrors can visually enlarge the space. Placing a floor mirror or hanging a wall mirror where it can reflect the view of the natural setting will expand your space and function as a piece of wall art. To maximize the effect, add proper lighting to the space. When light bounces off the mirrors, it will create a space that's cozy instead of suffocating.

Lightning Matters
Lighting is an effective way to transform tiny rooms into warm inviting spaces. Let natural daylight flow into the room. But if it's limited, don't hesitate to place a few lamps in the corners.
Explore the extensive lighting options available and include floor lamps, under cabinet lighting, wall mount lighting, track lights or whatever type of lighting seems a functional or decorative addition to your apartment.
Find some beautiful LED lamps and place them throughout your rental. LEDs last longer and use less energy in comparison to traditional light bulbs. They are also energy-efficient and environmentally safe.
Related: 10 Cheap Ideas To Make A Rental Feel Neat, Sweet and Cozy

Hidden Storage and Small Pieces of Furniture
Add hidden storage to optimize the space and avoid extra clutter. Underbed and above-bed storage, as well as a bed frame with drawers, is a great space-saving solution. Another trick to make a small rental look bigger is to include a few average size pieces of functional furniture rather than lots of small accent pieces. Finally, pictures on the walls can also visually enlarge the room. Just look for pictures of natural scenery of large landscapes.

Minimalism is the Key
Focus on minimalist interior design if you want to make your small rentals look more spacious. By all means, a simple, light-filled apartment with minimum objects looks much more organized and attractive. You can also experiment with hanging artworks to bring more warmth to your space. Aboriginal art can bring a great style and energy to any room. Keep in mind that simplicity helps to freshen up the space, so it's worth sticking to a monochromatic color palette and calm textures for the walls and ceiling.

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