It’s that time of year again when we look back on our most exciting accomplishments over the past twelve months. Our biggest goals for 2023 were to enhance the user experience, improve our interface, and add new features to make digital property management even more awesome.
As 2023 comes to an end, we’re thrilled to share this year’s highlights:
Dashboard Improvements
The Landlord Dashboard is now divided into 2 parts: Activity and Overview. You can now customize your dashboard and adjust the widgets to your preference.

The Tenant Dashboard also received some shiny new updates including a new sidebar, display tabs, and a separate preview page organized by section.

We also redesigned the Service Pro and Owner Dashboards to include new sidebars and display tabs for easier navigation.
Online Application Updates
We updated our online application process to be a step-by-step form that better adheres to common application standards. We also included these new enhancements:
- A new interface that makes it easier to edit, add, or review application details
- A draft mode that allows landlords to save unfinished applications
- Landlord and tenant access to saved drafts for up to five days
- The option for tenants to attach relevant documents to their rental application

Rental Application Settings
We simplified the Rental Application settings by separating it into three sections and minimizing the custom template flow.
Editing Items
We made it easier to edit your Rental Application Details, whether you’re updating information about occupants, pets, vehicles, etc. With “sectional edit” now enabled, you can edit directly from the Rental Application Details page, saving time while improving your experience.

Income Insights
We added another exciting tenant screening feature—a household income assessment, also known as Income Insights. Part of the Basic Full Check Plus screening bundle, Income Insights allows you to verify a tenant’s income to see if it matches the details in their application.

Tenant Profile Redesign
We redesigned the way Tenant Profiles look under a landlord profile, adding two extra tabs (Applications and Requests). Plus, the Leases tab now makes it easier to navigate to lease information.

The Service Pro and Owner profiles have also received this redesign.
QuickBooks Online
We improved our QuickBooks Online Sync to make it more convenient. We added these new features:
- New and improved user interface
- Ability to edit QuickBooks sync settings at any time
- Added notifications and tooltips to make it more intuitive
- Service Pros are synced as Vendors now
- Sync now available to Canadian users

Calendar Redesign
We updated the Calendar page with a new design to improve your experience and included the option to add reminders with a custom title, helping you personalize to your needs. We also added an option to filter calendar events by Property&Units.

Settings Page Redesign
We redesigned the Settings page with a whole new look. We organized everything into grids, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. To make it even more intuitive, we renamed some of the sections to better reflect their purpose.

We also moved the profile information, added another account, and log-out buttons to the top right of the page.
Filter Improvements on the Equipment Page
We improved and redesigned filtered searches by moving the filter options onto the Equipment page to help make sorting easier and faster. The save function also keeps filters in place so you won’t have to switch settings next time.

Money In/Money Out Bulk Payments
We enhanced the Bulk Payments feature by adding ID numbers to invoices and moving certain actions (such as “mark as paid” or “delete”) to the top right corner of the table.

We improved the export feature to be even more efficient. Now, you can easily navigate a list of all exported items. New export items such as leases, leads, and sub-admin contacts were also added.

Accounting Displays
We improved the way invoice discounts are displayed. Now, when you preview an invoice, you see both the original amount due and the discounted amount. The original amount will be crossed out, and the tooltip will show the applied discount.

Payout Records Improvement
This new feature is located in the Payments & Activity invoice section and provides a more detailed view of the transfer process, including the payout amount, bank information, and payout status (pending, success, or failed).

Methods and Per-transaction Fees
In the Methods and per-transaction fees section, we added the ability to enable or block card and bank payments and select by tenants or owner. This feature allows for greater control and flexibility in managing payment methods for tenants and owners.

Lease Return deposit
We added a helpful pop-up reminder that appears when you end a lease with an online deposit payment. This pop-up is there to remind you that once the lease ends, you will no longer have the option to credit the tenant with an online refund.

Recurring Requests Improvement
We improved the Recurring Maintenance Requests dashboard, mainly the List and Create pages. You can now cancel recurring requests manually or add an end date. We also included a preview page, future status, and export option.

Owner Approval
The Owner Approval feature has been improved and redesigned to make the user experience better. Now, you can see the widget with the “Owner approval” request information directly on the Maintenance Requests preview page. (If the Property Manager mode has been selected)

In the Owner dashboard, we added a new widget that tracks requests in a clearer way. We also added request icons, filters, and search functions to improve the owner experience.
Owner Visibility for Recurring Invoices
We added the option to make recurring Tenant charges and invoices visible or invisible to owners. By toggling the 'Visible to owner' setting on or off, the configuration will apply to all generated recurring invoices, eliminating the need for a manual adjustment each time.

Screening Notification Updates
You asked, we listened. You wanted additional options for screening notifications, and we thought, “What a great idea.” So here it is. Landlords, property managers, and sub-admins can now choose and manage notifications for pending application requests, canceled screening requests, and new screening reports.

Plus, we added the ability to select a notification frequency to fit your time frame.
Tasks List Page
The Tasks List page has been redesigned and improved so that you can sort your tasks in bulk: resolving, unresolving, or deleting multiple items at once.

We’ve also added additional filters including the ability to search tasks by title, description, or display.
Product Tour
Want to get more familiar with your TenantCloud dashboard? Our product tour is now permanently linked at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu. If you’d like a walkthrough of each major TenantCloud feature, click on the Product Tour icon and start a new tour or resume your current one at your own pace.

Importing Properties and Contacts
We improved the importing experience (and fixed a few bugs), so now importing properties or contacts using the import tool is much clearer, smoother, and easier. You will now see a step-by-step form that shows where you are in the import/upload process.

Summing Up
It’s been a wonderful year with fantastic improvements. We’re excited for all the innovation that next year will bring. We appreciate working hand in hand with you to create a better property management future together. Here’s to simplifying the process and having peace of mind in the new year!