The 21th century is a time of frequently changing trends for almost everything. And same with real estate industry, especially if you are renting high end properties or targeting millennials. Things you were in love with in the early 2000’s might look really outdated now and may get away some prospects from renting. So how do you make your home more attractive by following the latest design trends and increase the value perception at the same time? Let's figure it out.
1. What to do?
X-benches instead of pouf hassocks. Get rid of those huge dust collecting pouf hassocks. X-benches or smaller leather cubes are better choices today. Keep the height around 20 inches which will allow you to keep them under the table when they are not in use. This also keeps your space uncluttered, while providing more room for entertainment and other stuff.

2. Classic is timeless
Maple and Oakwood finish is so 2000-ish, no, seriously. It only makes your space look gloomier, instead try to remedy it with a fresh coat of paint. Shades of white or other bright colors are timeless and clean.

3. What do you think about white-on-white kitchen design?
This trend is showing up in both traditional and modern-style houses. White furniture and decor combined together create a special fresh look you can't get from mixing any other colors. However, no one wants to eat in the hospital ward, so its better to add some color with some bright kitchen accessories.

4. Get rid of pendant lights
If you still have some in your house, but you want to attract some millennial renters, we have bad news for you. Young renters don’t want to see a rack of wine glasses dangling from their ceiling, this is another 2000-ish embellishment you should get rid of. Hidden light is the latest trend. But if you are not planning to renovate the design radically, consider orbs, they are easy to find in your local store and will definitely make the house look more cozy.

5. Get some stylish sleep
Try to get rid of clumsy beds and replace them with less cumbersome modern beds with simple frames. A smaller bed opens up the room and makes it look more spacious and cosy. Also, there’s no need to drape the frame; you don’t want to look like an ancient queen. Remember, ages of huge overwhelming beds are gone.

6. Showers are more efficient and easy to use
Recently whirlpool bathtubs were a really hot commodity, but now landlords notice that tenants are no longer using them as much as they used to. This might be because time is a valuable resource nowadays, especially for young people, they just don't have enough time time to spend taking a bath. Today's renter prefer to use this space for bigger showers or his-and-her vanities. Moreover, whirlpool bathtubs can also cost renters big bucks when it comes to the water bill. One bath can use between 80 and 100 gallons of water, thats a lot! So if you are in the process of a bathroom redesign or renovation, better spend your money on a bigger shower with more space, a seat, more shelves for bath products or a rainwater shower head.

7. Experiment, but not too much
Contemporary materials mixed with natural elements: There are tons of modern, stylish home accessories available in both online and offline stores. Glass, wood and steel are a popular combination, allowing you to create beautiful classy pieces of decor for your house.

Tastefully staged rentals tend to get more interest and will attract higher-quality residents, what do you think?
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